Follicular unit extraction (FUE), also called as follicular transfer (FT) which is one of two primary methods of extracting follicular units,
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Advanced Hair Restoration Centre Offer Count The Number Of Hair You Paid For. Get higher density of hair restoration under single roof
Follicular unit extraction (FUE), also called as follicular transfer (FT) which is one of two primary methods of extracting follicular units,
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Read moreMale pattern AGA (Androgenetic Alopecia) grade 3 with strong family history aged 28yrs. After consultation started with anti-dandruff treatment & multivitamins.Post control of hair loss & dandruff problem planned for hair transplant of 3000 FUG’s by “BIO FUE NO ROOT TOUCH TECHNIQUE” punching. Pictures taken from all the angles and posted the images with clients consent.“BIO FUE NO ROOT TOUCH TECHNIQUE” punching. Pictures taken from all the angles and posted the images with clients consent.“BIO FUE NO ROOT TOUCH TECHNIQUE” punching. Pictures taken from all the angles and posted the images with clients consent.
Male pattern AGA (Androgenetic Alopecia) grade 3 with strong family history aged 28yrs. After consultation started with anti-dandruff treatment & multivitamins.Post control of hair loss & dandruff problem planned for hair transplant of 3000 FUG’s by “BIO FUE NO ROOT TOUCH TECHNIQUE” punching. Pictures taken from all the angles and posted the images with clients consent. “BIO FUE NO ROOT TOUCH TECHNIQUE” punching. Pictures taken from all the angles and posted the images with clients consent.“BIO FUE NO ROOT TOUCH TECHNIQUE” punching. Pictures taken from all the angles and posted the images with clients consent.
Fue hair transplant and its results by Hair Harmony and You Advanced Hair Transplant Clinic in Mumbai, Bhubaneswar, Guwahati & Raipur City.
We talk incessantly about how beneficial hair transplant treatments are, but rarely do we know how exactly the procedure is performed.
A lot of people would like to have natural looking hairlines, but it's difficult to know which products work and which don't since all of them claim to be genuine,
Shock loss in simple language can be explained as loss of natural hair (in the donor or the recipient area) after a hair restoration procedure is performed on a patient.
Hair Transplantation can be described as the relocation of Donor Dominant or DHT-Resistant Hair Follicles. The relocation is done from the donor area
Answer to your questions are here and learn why to use our awesome service?
Hair transplant cost depends on where you get it done, who performs the procedure and the size of the area that you want to get treated.
If you are living abroad and you want to come to India so that you can start the hair transplantation procedure, keep in mind that you have to pay for the travels. This is the most popular option, but like all things in life, you have to pay to play the game.
It is different if you choose the best expert in hair transplant in India. It is logical that you will pay more for someone who has the required expertise and knowledge in the field.
Finally, you should keep in mind that in India, the price is between 35/- INR TO 125/- INR per graft, which is five times cheaper than Europe and America.
It is difficult to answer this particular question because we are talking about health here. Even though it is not entirely linked, the only recommendation that you should make is to yourself. Therefore, we recommend you to conduct a little research and series of interviews before you choose the right one.
Finding the right hair transplant clinic is essential, and it will help you increase your self-esteem in the future. Therefore, you shouldn’t play with this decision and choose wisely.
Most people choose India because it has world-class experts in this particular field and it is the cheapest solution when compared with the other countries across the globe.
This is the trickiest question yet. You don’t have to worry because it will be a pleasant surprise. When you search around online for procedures, the fact is that you can't have surgery without some level of discomfort.
It is not painful at all because you will receive local anesthetics that will numb your scalp so that surgery could be performed. It is similar to going to the dentist. You won’t feel a thing, but you will still feel something unpleasant.
You will have to sit for at least four hours until the treatment is finished. But still, when you compare it with the final results, it is worth it!
During the procedure, surgeons have to use tiny incisions to enter the follicular area. That will finally result in scarring which is invisible to the human and untrained eye. There will be a little scar next to your scalp, but you don’t have to worry because that will be under your existing hair, and no one will notice it afterward. Check online for different reviews and situations. You cannot expect there to be any scar at all because the procedure leaves a mark (literally). However, it is not problematic, and you won’t even notice it in the future. You can only remember it by seeing it next to your fully grown hair.
The main problem that could happen after the treatment is the patient’s disbelief on the possibility to finally gain hair. That is because when people come for hair transplants in India, they think that everything will be over after the procedure.
Hair growth is a slow process, much like hair loss. After the procedure, you have to wait for a while to get your natural growth cycle.
In most cases, it is between three and six months after you see new hair. You can drink some supplements, and eat a regular diet and sleep tight every single night for better results. Keep in mind that you will always want more, but what you can do to speed up the process is have a good lifestyle.
After the procedure, you will have a bandage over your scalp which is patently transparent and visible. It is apparent that you have done something with your head afterward. At the same time, technicians will shave your hair down to provide the perfect surgical environment and to protect healthy hair. That way, everything will be in front of you.
You should know that the hair will grow slowly, but after a while, people will start noticing some changes. First, it will be unimportant questions, and soon afterward, they will see that you have something different. You don’t have to tell anyone anything because no one will even notice until you choose to share your story!
According to the theory, all hair follicles that surgeons will transplant during the procedure are entirely resistant to any form of baldness. However, we cannot say that it will always be like that. Many factors could determine the amount of hair on your head.
For example, most of you don’t know that sleeping is the time when your hair grows. But this happens only during nights. If you sleep in the afternoons, nothing will happen. Therefore, you should lead a healthier life and have a regular diet with healthy foods and nutrients that will protect you, and in a matter of days, you will notice the difference. Everything depends on you and your persistence.
Some people decide to go for another FUE hair transplant procedure afterward. However, there is no general rule of when you should go for another treatment. Everything depends on you. Our recommendation is to create a foundation by creating the perfect relation with surgeons and people who performed your first surgery.
That way, you can go for regular checkups so that your doctor could determine the levels of success and the possibility of another treatment. You shouldn’t do it yourself and should finish the procedure in the same place you first started it. That way, you will have less hassle with the documentation and preparations.
The answer to this particular question is based on you. The doctor will tell you not to indulge in any problematic physical exercises in the first couple of days. But still, you will feel traumatized because of the procedure, which means that you won’t have any strength to work out anyway.
You should take it easy and let your body recover. Of course, try to live healthy, avoid alcohol and smoking and drink multi-vitamin supplements that will protect your body and immune system.
When you recover your body from the procedure, it is time to start thinking about your hair. But keep in mind that you have to protect yourself during the first six months.
Don’t start a rigorous diet regimen or body detox because it can interfere with your overall results.
When you finish work in some particular area where you have real hair, you can lose that hair too. It is widely known as shock loss, and it will happen because of trauma and because the hair is weak.
You should choose the right surgeon, and try to make your hair stronger by using additional supplements afterward. Vitamin D and Vitamin B are essential for healthy hair, which means that you should use it during the recovery treatment.
This is a common question when people are given a brief explanation of the procedure. As you can see from the photos, utilizing the elasticity in the surrounding skin we suture close the area that has been removed. The tape that is used to hold your hair out of the way during the procedure is then released and your existing hair falls into its natural position and covers up the area that the hair bearing skin was removed from. In most cases leaving a very fine incision mark that is barely noticeable immediately after the procedure.
The answer to both questions is no. At the start of the Follicular Unit Grafting procedure we remove a strip of hair bearing skin from the back of the scalp and then utilizing the elasticity of the skin we are able to suture that area closed. After the procedure you are left with a fine linear scar at the back of the head that is covered by your existing hair and providing your hair is approximately a centimeter in length will not even be noticed directly after the procedure.
With a few exceptions, this procedure is suitable for any male or female who is experiencing balding or thinning of the scalp hair. Your individual results will be dependent upon a number of factors that will be determined by the doctor during your personal consultation. At this time, he will advise of what you can expect to achieve.
No. When surgeons perform the procedure, they take the hair bearing skin from the back of the scalp where it is abundant and resistant to the damaging effects of DHT and transfer it to the areas where thinning or balding has occurred. In its new location it will last as long as it would have in its original location. It will still go through the various phases of growth (Anagen, Catagen & Telogen) and shedding, but the hair will continue to grow in its new position as long as it would have in the old, which in most cases is a lifetime.
Growth rates of between 90 - 100% are achieved in 98.6% of our follicular unit grafting patients.
This really depends upon the individual. It would be possible to return to work within one or two days after the procedure if required. However if you are sensitive about your appearance it is recommended to take one to two weeks off to allow the visible signs of the transplant to heal. It is possible to wear a cap after the procedure to conceal the top of your head if this is feasible in your work environment.
No. It is possible totransplant vital organs for people with life-threatening cases. However, theyare then required to take immune system suppressants for the rest of their lifeleaving them more susceptible to illness and disease. These suppressants are requiredto stop the body killing what it recognizes as being foreign to it. The use ofimmune system suppressants would be the same for someone that had hair donatedby someone else. So whilst this is theoretically possible the disadvantages donot justify it.
Hair transplantation is the only permanent medical solution to hair loss. There are many other quick fixes and "cover ups" but all are short-term solutions.
Definitely not! In the early years of the mega session some surgeons experienced poor results from procedures with between 1000-2000 grafts. But this was most likely due to the infancy of the procedure and a poor technique. The recognized world experts in this field are now aware that procedures with 2000-4000 grafts can consistently produce excellent growth and the most undetectable results available. Unfortunately some doctors continue to "undermine" the mega session because of the increased costs in time and money required to implement such practices. The intensive training, extra staff, long learning curve and specialized equipment is a formidable barrier to many surgeons, as is the requirement to work a 10+ hour day that a 3500-4500 graft session requires. Particularly those that perform hair transplantation in addition to other cosmetic procedures such intensive restructuring and considerable expense is just not viable. To get the best results from these procedures a number of highly skilled technicians well practiced in the use of the Stereoscopic Dissecting Microscope are required together with a great deal of attention given to graft handling and insertion. Without the adequate skills, knowledge and training, inadequate results are not only possible, but also most probably inevitable.
Another misconception is that the blood supply to the scalp is insufficient to support such a large number of grafts. Past results prove this to be inaccurate. Because the grafts are placed into a hole made by a very fine hypodermic needle there is minimal interruption to the blood supply and in the vast majority of cases growth rates will exceed 98%.
The main difference is the extraction process of the follicular units from the donor region. FUG removes a long strip of skin from the donor region which leaves a permanent, thin scar at the back. The FUE method uses a tool to extract each follicular unit from the back individually which results in no linear scar. Both methods plant hairs into the scalp the same way.